Following the guidance and recommendations from all the various government agencies, The Holy Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and in conjunction with the thoughtful recommendations of His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta, please find below the following new additional immediate initiatives that are meant to ensure the health and safety of our community. All of these measures are to support social distancing and containment which are essential to preventing the spread of the COVID-19. We must use our God-given gift of discernment to make sensible thoughtful and wise decisions during this time.
Until further notice, the following directives are in place:
1. All Liturgical Services WILL take place as scheduled, most especially the Divine Liturgy so that we may offer our prayers as a people before the Holy Altar of the Lord. Per the Archdiocese email below, “For the benefit and protection of the faithful, and taking into account the recent scientific findings, we advise our faithful not to be exposed in places of public assembly (including attending church) during the next few weeks. We recognize that this is an unprecedented situation and one that calls upon each of us to take steps to protect our fellow parishioners and larger communities. During this time, if anyone wishes not to come to church, the Holy Archdiocese extends this blessing, as such a decision is not a sin, but an act of love and responsibility for the protection of one’s self and their fellow human beings. We encourage the faithful to participate in the experience of sacred worship at home, on TV, or using multimedia platforms.” This is out of concern for everyone's health and welfare. Click here to view church services online throughout the U.S. and our Holy Metropolis.
2. The passing of trays will be discontinued in our parishes for the present time. Instead, a place to accept offerings will be provided next to the Antidoron that will be distributed at the end of the service. Or, you can visit our website to make an online offering.
3. All activities, ministries, programs and social gatherings will be suspended until further notice (including religious education classes on Sundays and Lenten dinner and study on Wednesdays). Tomorrow’s Philoptochos meeting and membership drive have been postponed. Please consult our web calendar for up-to-date schedule.
4. Sunday Coffee Fellowship Hour will be suspended until further notice. All faithful are asked to leave and not socialize in the Narthex or dining room.
On behalf of our parish family, I encourage you to remain vigilant and pray for God to deliver us safely through the flu and coronavirus season. Let us pray for our medical personnel, our scientists, and those charged with overseeing and enforcing our public health efforts. Let us pray our civil and church leaders under God’s direction guide us in the best manner to ensure our health and protection.
NEW YORK – On Saturday, March 14, 2020, the Holy Eparchial Synod convened via a teleconference to continue assessing the spread of COVID-19, commonly known as Corona Virus, and decided the following:
1) For the benefit and protection of the faithful, and taking into account the recent scientific findings, we advise our faithful not to be exposed in places of public assembly (including attending church) during the next few weeks. We recognize that this is an unprecedented situation and one that calls upon each of us to take steps to protect our fellow parishioners and larger communities. During this time, if anyone wishes not to come to church, the Holy Archdiocese extends this blessing, as such a decision is not a sin, but an act of love and responsibility for the protection of one’s self and their fellow human beings. We encourage the faithful to participate in the experience of sacred worship at home, on TV, or using multimedia platforms.
2) We are obligated to abide by the regulations of the Local and State governments, as stringent as they may be, in an effort to support public health efforts.
3) Each Metropolitan has a duty to make necessary decisions for the protection of the faithful in accordance with the public health mandates and the local restrictions regarding public assembly and other protocols.