On Mother's Day, all the women of our parish were honored. Fr. George's sermon focused on the theme,"Mother's Are A Reflection of God's Love".Our young girls assisted him and parishioners witness the love our Savior, Jesus Christ has for His own mother, the Theotokos. She serves as our sublime model in loving God and our children. God enables mothers and fathers to join Him in creating new life. Mothers give birth and nurture our children; they love and support their husbands and families, who likewise love and support their wives, children, and family! Glory to God for His gift of life to all our women and for the blessings of motherhood!
Following church services, Kirk Panayis, offered a tribute to all the women of our parish, and George Zavlanos served the Mother’s Day Lunch prepared and donated by Steve and Pamela Theodorakis at their Broadway Diner. A pictorial tribute was offered during lunch that featured all the ladies of our parish family, both living and deceased. Every woman and female child were presented a carnation, an icon of Panayia & Christ (Glykofiloussa- Sweet-Kissing) and a compact mirror set reminding them of the joy and spiritual message Fr. George shared about this special day. Special thanks to Kirk for his enthusiasm as he worked with the co-chairs and oversaw this effort.
Special celebrations were recognized... Fr. George's Birthday, George & Kathy Zavlanos' & Mahany & Cynthia Cromartie's wedding anniversaries, and special Building Fund Gifts from the Georgeo, Butler, & Panayis Families. Glory to God for these special blessings.
Thanks to our men who assisted with setting up the tent and tables in advance, decorations, preparing for and serving lunch, cleaning up afterwards, and the donations of food and gifts. May God bless our parish family always.
Our congratulations to all the women of our parish, including those who were traveling or sick and unable to join us. May the memory of our departed mothers be eternal.