On Sunday, November 18, at 10:15 a.m., our meeting began with opening prayer and reflection by Fr. George. Julie Skouteris was selected as Meeting Chairman.
The minutes of the previous General Parish Assembly Meeting on Sunday, February 4, 2018, prepared by Lydia McGee were approved.
Fr. George presented his pastoral report, including recognizing our two parish Archangel Michael honorees for 2018, Steve Theodorakis and Tom Farmakis.
Julie Skouteris offered thanks for parishioners' support in behalf of P.C. President, Tammy Soulakos. Julie also provided an update of our Philoptochos Society in behalf of Helen Psihountas.
George Psihountas presented the financial overview of our parish, followed by Julie's stewardship report. George presented the Parish Council's proposed parish budget for 2019 and after answering questions, noted it will be voted on at our next General Parish Assembly.
Maria Cahill and Tom Farmakis presented an update from St. Christopher Outreach Ministry, including updates on our grant request and golf tournament on Monday, May 13, 2019.
George Zavlanos presented an overview of our building project efforts unjderway and answered questions from those present.
The Clergy Laity Report from our P.C. President was deferred until the next meeting.
Jim Sliwinski reported on the 2017 Audit of our financial records and his report was accepted unanimously.
Fr. George conducted the election of the 2018 Audit Committee that will be comprised of Jim Sliwinski, Katie Wilson, Dedee Panayis, and Cynthia Cromartie.
Next, Fr. George conducted the election of the 2018 Board of Elections that will be comprised of Bill Wiley, Donna Chan, Fotis Sakkas, and Kirk Panayis.
Fr. George then reported that our 2019 Parish Council Elections will take place on Sunday, December 9, from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. He opened nominations for the three vacant positions created from Tom Farmakis, Steve Theodorakis, and Tammy Soulakos rotating off the Parish Council in December since their three-year terms were completed. They are eligible to be re-nominated, along with others from our parish who are in good financial and ecclesiastical standing. Nomination of candidates that were made during the meeting and accepted by candidates present included Tom Farmakis and Steve Theodorakis. Additional nominations can be made through Sunday, November 25, at 10:30 a.m. for those not present by completing the
Nomination Form available on the homepage of this website. [Note: It was emailed to all parishioners Sunday night following our meeting.] Again, original signed nomination forms must be received by members of the Board of Elections - Bill Wiley, Donna Chan, Fotis Sakkas, and Kirk Panayis by Sunday, November 25, at 10:30 a.m. All nominees must attend the mandatory training at Annunciation Cathedral on Monday, November 26, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. unless they have received the training beforehand.
After choosing volunteer Co-Chairs to oversee the 2019 GreekFest scheduled for Saturday, September 21 [that include Anna Andreeva-Naydenova, Helen Psihountas, Julie Skouteris, Dina Tagalos, and Anastasia Torres], Fr. George offered the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. Detailed minutes will be mailed to parishioners before our next meeting, scheduled for Sunday, February 3, 2019, following the Blessing of the Five Loaves and February commemorations (Birthdays, Name Days, wedding anniversaries, and special occasions).