Christ is risen! Through God’s grace, St. Christopher parishioners experienced a spiritually uplifting Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha. We are deeply grateful for your countless gifts of time, talents, and contributions during this time and throughout the year. Let us pray that we continue to grow even stronger in our journey to our Risen Lord. During this Bight Week and beyond, Fr. George encourages us to continue to seek daily strength and sustenance from Him through personal prayer, reading Holy Scripture, serving others, and communing with His Holy Body. Let us join together and continue to pray for peace and healing for all those who are sick and in need and let us offer ourselves as God’s co-workers as opportunities arise. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Our Risen Lord “thirsts” for us to stop and take in His “water of eternal life” each day. What great mercy our Savior Jesus Christ has been offering us during Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha. Please do not let it end! Amen!