Our St. Christopher parish established its Philoptochos Chapter in 2004, with the help and assitance of Dee Nicolaou and the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta. As a parish, we are blessed to have a dedicated group of Philoptochos members who serve our local, Metropolis, and Archdiocese Charities. Glory to God for guiding us to assist those in need. We pray for their welfare and ask that you support our future endeavors.
- Fr. George Tsahakis
Our 2023-2025 Philoptochos Chapter Board:
Dedee Panayis
Cynthia Cromartie
1st Vice President
Julie Torres
Recording Secretary
Presbytera Marinda Tsahakis
Corresponding Secretary
Aimee Panos
Misty Duke
Assistant Treasurer
Helen Psihountas
Chapter Advisor
Julie Skouteris
Metropolis Philoptochos Board member
& non-voting member on St. Christopher Chapter Board
Read Philoptochos Bylaws
Philoptochos means “friends of the poor” and it is our Orthodox philanthropic response to local, regional, diocesan, archdiocesan, and international charities and support that support many needy charities and outreach efforts, including St. Basil Academy, Souper Bowl of Caring, Fayette Samaritans, One Roof, Mid-West Georgia Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, Well Spring, Georgia Division of Family and Children Services, Loaves & Fishes Feed the Homeless in Atlanta, Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, Christ the Good Shepherd Special Needs Camp, Clergy Education, food, utility, and disaster assistance for needy families and community assistance following floods, tornados, and hurricanes, youth ministry, Social Services Cancer Fund, Autism Assistance Fund, Saint Photios Shrine, Orthodox Christian Mission Center/Support A Mission Priest, Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology, Orthodox Christian Fellowship, International Orthodox Christian Charities, Retired Clergy/Widowed Presbyters, National Emergency Fund, National Sisterhood of Presvyteres, UNICEF, Medical Fund, and the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Non-cash support includes food and clothing, as well as prayer shawls and quilts for our elderly and infirm, those who suffer abuse, the loss of their homes, and our courageous military and veterans serving our nation.