On Sunday, August 18th, our parish welcomed the Rev. Chip Gordon, Director of Pastoral Care of Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Newnan, Georgia. Susan Kleto who chairs our Prayer Shawl Ministry presented 20 prayer shawls blessed by Fr. George as "Covers of Love" for cancer patients being treated there. Likewise, our Altar Servers donated nearly $800 in memory of Nicholas Tsahakis (deceased brother of Fr. George Tsahakis) and Alex Costas (deceased father of Charles Costas). Our Philoptochos Society Board voted to increase their donation to make our total gift $1,000.
On Sunday, August 25th, our parish enjoyed its First Annual Fanouropita Luncheon. Julie Skouteris chaired the event that offered lunch, a silent auction, and fellowship and was assisted by our parishioners. The proceeds of $1,240 will be used for the youth ministries of the Metropolis of Atlanta.
The next day, on Monday, August 26th, Tom Farmakis and Maria Cahill and their committee offered our First Annual St. Christopher Golf Classic at Flat Creek Golf Club in Peachtree City, Georgia. We thank our many sponsors and golf participants and our many parishioners who assisted. Proceeds will be used to support the needs of St. Christopher Outreach Ministry, The Bedford School in Fairburn, Georgia, and The Joseph Sams School in Fayetteville, Georgia.