I greet you with love and joy in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, praying for your continued health and safety during this blessed summer season.
This coming Monday, July 20th, marks the 46th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. The subsequent illegal occupation of the northern part of Cyprus resulted in a traumatic loss of life, as well as the displacement of Greek Cypriots from their ancestral homes, and the loss of their land. Among the many individuals who became a refugee was one of our own, His Grace Bishop Sevastianos of Zela.
As a Hierarch, I reflect with great sadness on how many churches were not just converted into mosques, but also into stables or storage sheds, while their precious icons were looted and sold. All these things did not simply oppress lives—international law was also violated when thousands of settlers were imported from Turkey to change the demography of Cyprus.
This anniversary is once again, a reminder that we in America cannot take for granted the freedoms which are still being denied to our brothers in Cyprus, and throughout the world. As both Philhellenes and Americans, we should undertake our patriotic duty to call upon our elected officials to enact measures which bring about a just solution for all of Cyprus, including Greek and Turkish Cypriots, while also calling for the removal of the occupying force.
In a spirit of love and compassion, I also ask our clergy to speak on this important matter, after which each of our parish families might
offer a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy on Sunday July 19th, to honor those who lost their lives as a result of the invasion.
In spite of the ongoing legacy of this tragic event, I hope that our prayers will uplift continued fight to regain the freedoms to which the people of Cyprus are entitled, as are all children of our Almighty Father. I remain,
Yours with Paternal love in the Lord
+ A L E X I O S Metropolitan of Atlanta