Thanks to our Philoptochos Society we are helping little girls around the world own a dress! Click for more information on helping us finish this endeavor on Tuesday, July 18, at 9:00 a.m.
Fr. George and St. Christopher parishioners participated in the Pan-Orthodox Pentecost Vespers at Saints Constantine & Helen Church in Lilburn, Georgia. Click to view.
Join us Thursday, May 18, from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. for the Trisagion of our departed sister in the Lord, Panayiota MacDougall at Carmichael-Hemperley Funeral Home in Peachtree City, GA.
Join us in person, via livestreaming video, or in mutual prayer on Tuesday, May 9th, from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. for the celebration of our Patron Saint, St. Christopher the Martyr.
Join us on Sunday, May 14th for a special Mother's Day Luncheon. In addition, consider donating to a new special fund that will benefit and support the loan debt of students from the Metropolis of Atlanta attending Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology.
Thanks for your participation in this year’s effort. Our parish collected funds and food to be used by the St. John the Wonderworker Loaves & Fishes Program and Tackle Hunger through our Philoptochos Society’s Hands of Loave ministry. May God bless all who will receive assistance and those who donated.
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America announced the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Earthquake Relief Fund, a fundraising effort by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America to provide humanitarian aid to the victims of the recent earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.
St. Christopher parishioners gathered late afternoon on Saturday, January 7th to join Fr. George as he blessed our church property and building efforts for the coming year. Afterwards we drove just five minutes away to All Saints Anglican Church where our parish family gathered for dinner, children's activities, and a spirited and fun auction that netted over $11,000 for Philoptochos' charity, St. Basil's Academy, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. Thanks to all who assisted with planning, set-up, and dinner. We appreciate those who brought food and drinks, those who made the delicious Vasilopitas that were auctioned, those who purchased them, and those who cleaned up. We welcomed friends of our parishioners and thank them for sharing the wonderful New Year tradition with their friends and neighbors. On Sunday, we will share with those unable to join us tonight portions of the Community Vasilopita that Presbytera Marinda made. Also, some of those present will surprise parishioners with breads they purchased to share. What a special community we are part of... even when we can't be present, those who could are praying and seeking to assist our brethren who were absent. May God bless us in 2023 and always.
Fr. George will offer a blessing prayer for the Fanouropites offered for sale. In addition, he will bless the cakes and desserts that will be sold. All proceeds benefit the Metropolis of Atlanta Youth Ministry.
We can make a difference... join Fr. George and Presbytera Marinda in supporting this ministry in time for Christmas delivery. Please continue reading below...